Thursday 13 March 2014

The backflip

On Saturday March 8th I went to a place near my house called Chief Pegius trail. It is just a small hill that not many people know about and I built myself a jump. The jump was about 4 feet tall and was very vertical to help me with my backflip. So I sat at the top of the hill for about 5 minutes just visualizing how it is going to look and eventually I just went for it. My first attempt I made the full rotation but my board got stuck in the snow so I didn't ride away from it. The second attempt went very well, felt like I had perfect form from the start and I landed my first backflip ever. It felt amazing. My mentor couldn't make it to video tape because she is very busy and I can't wait to long because the snow is melting and I needed to get this backflip done. I'm very happy with how my backflip turned out and that I didn't get hurt.
-Trevy D


  1. Congrats, Trevor! What a sense of accomplishment. It is too bad that you didn't get it on tape. Do you have access to a GoPro? There are a few people around school who have one.

  2. That is super awesome Trevor! I wish i could snowboard, and now i wish i could snowboard and do a backflip. It sucks u didn't get a video tape of it, would have loved to see it. Well if u do have a video or are making one, cant wait to see it.
